I am just heading off the field, and I have to tell you this was nothing less than expected!

Tough pilots all!

The Queen of the day is....Sharons!
Supras as usual, and Espadas both sharing with the Sharons.

Perfects have been perfect, so in the end its all good.
Standings?  Well I would have to hand out a lot of buttons today, but a lot of the talents took big hits.  There were some planes blown up, (including one of JW's Icons, he's flying Supra now). All the blow ups were justified and no fault goes to airframes.
About three hit the wires but none smoked, at least one plane is lost downwind past the museum (Icon).
Arendt is flying Supra and super.  Tom Kiesling took an off field zero, Josh and Mike Lacowski are also up there.  Its great to get a chance to see Ben Clerx put the whooping on, and of course DP, Mike Smith, are both Sharon guys, and doing well too.
Who's really hot?  Do you need to guess? Here's a hint...it was windy all day :-) Yep the Wizard of Wind Rich Burnowski has been making his Espada dance.

Young Cody picked up a really low score to a pop off early on but has stuck around to put the hurt'n on the likes of me and many others...great young man!
Skip Miller flying Perfect is also strong, and well I could go on mentioning everyone because everyone is one of the 'mention-ables' in the hobby.
Keep in mind, this is NOT an amateur event....this is a cash prize event and its being run that way. "I's" are dotted and "T's" are being crossed, but considering the talent level, no one has needed warning for anything.

5 rounds, one round short than the goal because of weather moving in.
So we had a good day...you?
Home to see my wife for a day or two...36 years last Tuesday...I sent her an really nice email from Long Island...and heading back out this Tuesday....

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