Here are the results of the F3F race at Laguna
Conditions weren't great, as the times will
attest, but
other than a 1/2 hour intermission while we
waited for
some sort of atmospheric system to go inland, the
wind was reasonably consistant.

It was fairly cool, and MUCH nicer than the
conditions inland.  We were able to fly 4 rounds
16 pilots, and had no problems to speak of.

Very smooth.  I had never CD'd anything before,
I didn't fly, as I anticipated having to be
available for
"stuff" during the contest.  Turns out I could
have flown,
no problemo.   GREAT bunch of guys, some really
polished flying, and generally lots of fun.

I will be hosting more, and I am thinking that
there is real
potential in F3F to resurrect slope-racing on the
west coast.
..I know today when I went out, there was a
bigger than usual
bunch, and the "buzz" was all "let's do it again"
, "let's practice"
etc. etc.

Conditions dictated using TD or very light F3F
ships, planes
like the Hera or my Psyko were ideal.  A large
variety of planes
were flown, and everyone had fun, regardless.

Placings, four rounds with no throw-out:

1.      Brian Buass     3834.8  Hera/Artemis
2.      Larry Jolly             3778.5  Hera/Artemis
3.      Jonathan Albert 3634.0  Vindicator
4.      Tom Copp        3602.1  a 2meter
5.      Ken Dillon              3566.0  Hera?
6.      Chris Wynaught  3476.7  Vindicator
7.      Dan Field               3328.9  Thermal plane
8.      Nathan Woods    3251.5  Hera?
9.      Scott Southall  3215.2  CR Raider
10.     Duane Laine     3200.9  Molded F3B Eagle
11.     Frank Cavasos   3115.7  no idea
12.     Scott Magnar    3000.2  Vindicator
13.     Dave Sanders    2933.4  DAW EPP Ka-6, 1/4 scale
14.     Bobby Wilson    2706.9  Modified multiplex thingy
15.     Ian Sanders     1936    Patton EPP Be5a? 30" fighter
16.     Bob Lenard      786.1   Apex II

In spite of the light lift, several pilots
managed to
whack the hill, and/or crack up thier planes
landing them.
This was the cause of some of the sub-3000
either by getting a zero flight (no throw-outs!)
or forcing a
switch to back-up planes or withdrawal.

Fast time of the day was Larry Jolly, with a
57 second run.  Most all of the flights were in
the 60-80
second range.

John Roe
Laguna Hills, Ca

You should never be in company
that you wouldn't want to die with.
                         ---Freman Proverb

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