So , [EMAIL PROTECTED] you're ready to step up to a full house open class plane
? Well here's a few things to keep in mind.  First off , and I'm going to
take a big guess here, you are probably going to want to start out with a
plane that's a little slower , and a bit more forgiving than todays typical
competition class 120 inchers.  The biggest single problem that pilots have
when transitioning from RES to Ailerons and Flaps is speed. Everything
seems to happen faster , the plane flys faster , turns are pretty much
instantaneous, Landing approaches (prior to dropping the flaps ) are whole
new thing due to the effectiveness of the control surfaces.  Most pilots
who are just beginning to fly full house open class planes try to fly them
too slowly. So my advice is to pick a plane with a slower flying
airfoil/planform. It will still be jump in performance , but you will
probably become comfortable with it much quicker , and because of that you
will find yourself exploring air that you might not have tried with a RES

While the Bird of Prey and the Victory are both excellent Airplanes , My
vote is for the Alcyone ( also from NSP ) . This plane is very relaxing to
fly and is almost impossible to tip stall ( I really think you would have
to work at it ).  Put a little "Extra CF" on the spars and this plane will
easily take a really hard launch .   
I'm still mad at myself for selling mine!

Jim Bonk
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