Hey Gordy,
Didn't I hear that turning on your tranny and listening was one of your 
suggestions for finding out if anyone was on your channel at a SUN fun fly 
in Nashville about 4 years ago or am I getting you confused with someone 
else????  I think it was Emerson Ford who told the story. Maybe you said 
receiver and he heard transmitter???

Anyway, on another direction...

What's wrong with this picture...

Date: January 31, 2002
Location: Nashville Tennessee
Wind: SSW 16 gusts to 25
Activity: Slope Flying
Attire: Short sleeved shirt
Temp: 73 degrees

Fer sure not complaining but it brings to mind a book written by that 
fountain of wisdom AlGore, damn could he have been right about that global 
warming thing???  Nah, forecast high for tomorrow is 40 degrees...

Hoping all you southeast thumbs got to partake today...


----Original Message Follows----
Subject: [RCSE] Frequency Control Bozo Style
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 12:13:56 -0700

In the endless persuit of more fun per quanta of energy... Bozo presents:
The Bozo frequency control board with built in thrill monitor and score
It's really quite simple, you just come to the field/slope and turn on your
tranny. Then comes the thrill part. It to, is simple...you just listen... if
there are no shrieks, no problem, the frequency in question is clear. If,
however, you here shouts...  "I aint got it" or... "oh shit" or... "is
someone on MY channel"..etc etc...This is the thrill part. At least for me.
There are variations on this if you use your on/off swicth in a fun and
creative manner...it can produce a series of fine staccato  or a memorable
And then, the coup de grase...a tranny with a tuneable RF module. It IS
possible to work the whole crowed one at a time for various effects. The
portable tape recorder is certainly required for late evening listening and
There you go guys... enjoy.
Your Friend Bozo... comming to a field near you.

P.S.   Further advice...try to be somewhat discreet while carrying around a
transmitter with a tape recorder strapped to the bottom of it.

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