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In a message dated 10/26/00 8:25:45 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<<I've never owned or flown or actually seen in person a Hawk. However, I've

always thought it a fairly "ho-hum" plane. Now, all this talk about them

forces me to ask:

How well do they fly?

Are they more or less equal to a Paragon?

Is the appeal due to performance or just carma?


Compared to a modern plane a Hobie Hawk is pretty "ho-hum". In their time 
they were very good performers after a couple of modifications--the most 
important being the addition of a 2" sq. triangle to the front of the rudder 
to reduce roll. They would penetrate better than a Paragon but were more 
difficult to fly. They vere very expensive in their time so were not seen in 
the numbers that other planes were. With a good pilot it was a better plane 
than a Paragon. I never flew a 10 footer and I think it would be a very good 
plane. I think their appeal is mostly nostalgic. It was very revolutionary 
and  you can't easily build one from scratch.

Mike Clancy

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