Hi there.  I've been flying my first HLG recently, and have not been
around anyone else who flies HLG.  So, I haven't been learning by
watching.  That's where I need help.

My launches are of the following variety: (1) high launch that doesn't
seem to transition quite right (drops about 40% of the height from the
apex), (2) low launch that keeps up the speed and doesn't lose height
at the apex, and (3) fast launch (at a low angle) that rises quickly
but still has some of the problems seen with 1 and 2.

So, what is the best profile?  I seem to cover a lot of ground with the
lower launches, but would love to be able to keep all of that altitude
that I lose with the high launch (very depressing to see the plane drop
that big chunk all at once).

Easy fixes?


ps - hand launch IS addictive

pps - I was sore for 4 days after my first half-hour of flying

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