Title: "Hardy Souls" contest, January 1, Tidewater, VA.

Wanted to make you aware that the Tidewater Model Soaring Society is hosting their 20-somethingest "Hardy Souls" contest on New Year's Day.

All are welcome to come and fly with us, proof of AMA membership is the only requirement. Pilots meeting to be held at 9:30 EST

You can find additional details, to include a map to the field, on the club web site at:

Weather last year couldn't have been much better (at least for the Norfolk area of Virginia) with temperatures approaching 60 degrees, and light winds. No idea what is forecast for this year, but as the name implies, it won't matter...

Past participants include Josh Glaab (US F3J Team alternate on several occasions), Don Richmond aka hilaunch.com (all the way from California!), Herk Stokely (publisher of the Soartech data), and others; so why not make plans to be part of this year's gathering.


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