I will be taking quite a few trips this summer and I
want a plane that is the best plane for slope,
thermal, and powered flight.

I would like recommendations for the best plane for
these three types of flight.  I have the opportunity
to by a new Zagi-400 complete kit for $100.

I would like a plane that slopes, thermals (least of
the requirements), and flies under power.  The
complete kit must cost $125 or less...that must
include plane, engine, battery, ESC, etc...It also
must be a small plane that can fit into a trunk or
back seat easily for 3 people or 2 people and 2 dogs
will be along on the trips.

I think that the Zagi-400 complete kit is my best bet
so far, but looking for thoughts...


P.S. - spec'd out my Gentle Lady today at 5:00pm!

Mike Kovacs

Webpage:  http://www.geocities.com/j_m_kovacs
E-mail:   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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