Ok I am not a virgin.. But in JR terms I think I am.
All my model life I have been playing around with MPX Tx's (Though my first was a 2ch Sanwa).
I have had Sprint, Combi 80 (still have this one as trainer), Royal, 2015, 3010, 3030, 4000 and currently own 2 EVO's
THEN I was going to the Nats and needed 72mhz (we have 35mhz here in Norway) so I spent some bucks on a used crystal EVO and got GREAT service from Polk that sent me a synth Rx. But I realized I needed more Tx crystals and turned to a friend I met at the WC F3J in Canada. John Diniz at Horizon Hobby ( http://www.horizonhobby.com/ ) proposed that I should try the JR 9303 and would send me all I needed. Wow! Now I could check out what JR feels is the best. And since I know some of the best have used it I felt confident that I might have a good thing going. You see - there is one thing I dont compromise on. I do not come to a competition unprepared.
Since I cant use 72mhz on a regular basis here in Norway I will have to return the stuff but if I feel the 9303 has an advantage over my EVO I might do the switch. We will see... Anyhow it seems that JR really takes us sailplane guys serious and do step up for us when needed.
So over to the shiny case I got in the mail today. It took only 7 days shipping to Norway so I started fidling with the switches and put it on charge while I surfed thru the airplane manual (seems I have the "A/S" version. airplane/sailplane). After 1/2 hour and some dinner I had to start fidling with the on/off switch also so I fidled more and took out a sailplane from the cellar... I took the worst one out there. At WC the South African team had got new Graupner MX-22's (same case as 9303) and strugled with programming. I bought one of the planes (Shongololo a copy of the Swedish Racemachine) they brought and discovered that it was NOT properly set up. So here I have a model with servo horn in all strange directions and a new radio that I have been fidling with for just 20-30min. Well to make a long story short the model is up and running and the timer says I did it before the radio had been on for 2 hours. I now have all the setup I need for F3J with 3 flight phases, camber control on the slider and a countdown timer on the training button. Even the name on the model is correct ;-O
I have a qualifying competition this weekend so I dont think I will dare to use it this soon - but hey It sure does work and also: It seems to do what I need both for sailplane competition and I can fly my electric planes.
Only thing I need to work out is how to use that training button to start my electric sailplane motors...
Dont expect me to read ALL the messages on this list if you have any comments. But as always I try to keep up and enjoy the reading ;-)
Hilsen (Regards) Jojo

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