To pilots interested in the LSF program but don't like contesting and pilots who are not interested in LSF because of the contest requirements:

I and my fellow LSFers welcome all levels of LSF activity and interest. Through Level II there is no contest requirement. Your fellow LSFers working on Level V value your Level II very much. They need you for witnesses.

I know several pilots who have completed Level IV and are working on Level V. Because they live in California they have been able to complete almost all the Level V tasks. Because they live in California the 3 contest wins are extremely difficult (the reason I was Level IV for 20 years). Because of their age and the level of competition several of these Level V aspirants know they will never achieve Level V. Interestingly, none of these persons are disappointed with their situation. They all feel that the chase was reward enough and they are proud of their completion of the non-competition tasks.

So there you have it--for a true self-accomplishment program do the non-contest tasks and be proud of your efforts. The Level V tasks are difficult, fun to do, and very rewarding on achievement. I, and my fellow LSFers will honor your efforts.

Mike Clancy
LSF 926 V 92

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