Well I am not a web designer by any means. When I first set up my site I made it a pain to update so I have reworked the whole thing. This was prompted by my new release of several models.

As for the new models, I was able to make it up to Lake Wilson this weekend to test fly my new 60" Cap 232 proto type. I will be producing several different gliders based on full scale power aerobatic planes. The cap flew very well. The size, airfoil, ect... are based on the now largely popular 60" warbirds and the performance is right on par. The weight is around 60 oz for a standard build. Aileron and elevator authority are very good. I will have pictures posted in the morning and hopefully a video later this week.

I am still producing the 3 meter fox kits. There is a video if you have not seen it here: http://www.midwestslope.com/fox/video 1.avi
I have started on a 2 meter prototype and if I can get it done by this weekend I will get to maiden it this weekend.

So let me know what you think the site is at www.midwestslope.com

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