From Miamimike
"That prompted an immediate private mail from Gordy ,Here's an excerpt"
Okay guys,
We all share off line chat, its off line because 'we' decided  who our words were for.
 From the above public posting by Miamamike you can see by his actions whether or not he can be trusted with your words.
Take a look at the topic of the clip of my offline private post to him.  It was advice to a new poster to the RCSE about losing trust and credibility. 
He mentions how my private post to him "ultimately resulted in me kill-filing Gordy", and I'm sorry to hear that, because it too hard to make new friends and I so I never want to lose even one. Reread my words to him and you'll find advice about maintaining trust, being constructive...

Its interesting how  he managed to turn a thread titleld Frequency Checker into a warning about about me....does that imply I an a freq checker? :-)
Mike the RCSE isn't about Gordysoar, its about soaring, its about having fun sharing ideas, good deals, fun days, and fun days spent with soaring friends, SOARING in general. A place to make new friends in the hobby.  99.9% of us get on line at the end of the day to relax and be cheered and engaged with content about our hobby and friends. 
Sorry if this is all that well written, I am witting it while making up a new wing wire harness for my oldest pike and the motel room shop doesn't have one of those aligator clip extra hand things to hold the wires while soldering:-)
Below are the damning words I sent him privately, basically stating two universal truths likely to be found in the HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy... "Don't Panic" and "Don't worry, Be happy" :-).....(by the way the context was that synth modules have been around for years without the hobby going to hell in a hand basket, that these mysterious dumb masses who can't be trusted to dial the right choice..... are US!
>Be a leader, by being constructive.  No one is served by the kind of post you
>just put out. I am sure you believe that ONLY you could have thought all
>that chicken little stuff up, not the other guys who have managed to have homes,
>jobs, even to figure out how to use radios.

>If you want to keep some personal credibility, let someone else post the 
>negative 'truths'...
Ouch after reading that, it prompts me to want to tell you about the new wing tape I found at a sporting goods store! It is clear and specifically excellent for two piece wings with bent rods because it has very little stretch and is sticky too!  Its called Dura Guard tennis racket head protection tape. Its thin, not like hockey stick tape or the like. If you would like a reprint of the article post me ....privately :-)
Getting ready to head to the field here in Denver!

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