I haven't flown in many contests but my limited experience advice is to
forget about the contest.   Just fly the best you can and have fun.  Dont
even look at the standings until the contest is over.  When you start
getting hung up on scores/placement etc. the fun goes away and many times
your performance goes away w/it.  This happened to me at the SWC, I went
there w/goals of having fun, learning, not destroying my plane on launch and
nothing more.  After the first day I was in 20 something place which was far
better than I had expected.  I started counting places, scores, etc- went to
bed early that night- didn't even stay up and knock down a cool one or two
w/my newly found buddies camping next to me.   End result- I dropped 50 or
more places by contests end!  Need I say more.   Walter
-----Original Message-----
From: Cliff Schwinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, May 05, 2000 12:54 PM
Subject: [RCSE] My first hlg contest this weekend!

>Does anyone have any last minute "words of wisdom" or advice for me
>before I head to Baltimore on Saturday morning for the ECHLGC? This will
>be my first model airplane contest since I flew CL and FF in 1968!! I've
>got 3 Lil' Bird2's ready ready to fly.  My goals are to have fun, learn
>a lot, take lots of photos (I'll post them on a web site), not get too
>sunburned (the weather forecast looks great!) and to bring at least one
>of my LB's home in one piece!
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