
The NRA may have more lobbying power than MOST, but I suggest that in the
very near future the NNA will have more.

ANA? American Nurses Association.

Actually the nurses have had the SECOND largest power group and the NRA has
ALWAYS had the strongest lobby. So perhaps if we were to all acquire a hobby
that is ATTRACTIVE to more people in the country (US of A) we could then
have a more powerful lobby. Flying toy airplanes will only attract a very
SMALL percentage of the population. With only a very small voting block we
will continue to have a very small political voice. That isn't to say we
won't HAVE a voice, it will just continue to be SMALL. So, be SMALL and
enjoy it.


Nick Trubov
and all the little Trubovs
Lorree, Eupie & Corbin

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