I intend to invest some time in building an HLG from scratch.  I have a
tested hot-wire and vacbag setup.  I have foam, airfoil software and

What I don't have, or know what to order, is material for covering the wings
and fuselage.  I see information about 1.5 oz glass, and then "finish" with
4 oz.  I've seen info about using mylar for a smooth finish, but I've not been
able to find info about what weight glass to use, or whether one or two or
more layers are needed. I'm guessing 1.5 oz on the bias would be OK, as
long as I'm a good flyer, (yeah, sure). I never built an HLG kit, since I'm too
poor/cheap, so I don't have any first hand experience.

I know enough about general layup from a full-size project many years ago,
but I could use some structural help here.

I prefer glass to carbon or Kevlar due to the price, but I may splurge if it's
really important.

Also, what are the possibilities of using a Dubro mechanical mixer for a
V-tail. I don't have a mixing radio at present (though I'm sort of looking for

Keith Crippen

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