Hi Guys,

If you really wanted to know who won,
why didn't you go to the contest? :-)

In the absence of results from AMA
Dave Orman and I just put the results
on the Eastern Iowa Soaring Society web site:


Part of the reason that results are not yet
on the AMA site is that Jim Haught (long time
editor of Model Aviation) left AMA last month.
The "Nats News" sheets in past years were one of
his special projects that he supported with his
people's time. Jim will be missed.

I only have time to read this list about once
a month so please email me directly if you have
a question.

Now I just need to dig out of the dog house.
My wife did not like being left home alone for 8
days with our two sons (2.5 years old and 2 months old).

Mike Garton

Michael Garton          Office (515) 294-1429

Center for NDE          Fax 294-7771
223 ASC II              Home (515) 965-8593
1915 Scholl Road
Ames, IA 50010          email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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