I say 'Plane(s)' because I have only been at this racket since August of

okay not true: Back in 1977 I was stationed at Castle AFB with the F-106 /
T-33 squadron there, and my friend from Modesto Danny Norton got me to try
R/C gliders. So I *think* I built in the barracks a Wanderer. I honestly
don't recall exactly what it was but I think it was two meter. I flew it on a
slope and once in a contest. I wish I knew if it was Visalia but I again I
don't remember. All I recall was Danny, myself, and a thin guy in a pith
helmet named 'Roger', flew there. After I left for F-111s in England I lost
contact with Danny. Don't know what happen to him. Or Rogers last name... or
the plane, or the radio... etc.

Fast forward to August 2003:

First was a DAW TG-3. Still have it. To this day I am haunted by my inability
to turn it in a thermal without dropping a wing tip really really fast and
falling 10's of meters in the process. :D Yes I have washout in it... gotta
be something else... dunno what. Anyway it's a good sloper like all foamies!
And it looks impressive at the LSS slope site amongst all those smaller
planes! I wish I had bought a 1-26 or KA-6 when I had the chance...

Next was an Easy Answer. A Global Hobbies 'price point' ship loosely based (I
think) on Blaine Rawdon's Mirage. (If I got the history of the ship correct.)
I know the guy that knows the guy (grin) that penned the plans for it. Anyway
I flew that for 5 months. Never broke nuttin'. Really served it's purpose as
I learned to 'launch, fly, and land' with it. Even winched it and competed
once or twice in novice/sportsman class with it. Just R/E. No 'S'. :D  Great
plane, really. Pretty strong. I built it stock and was pretty aggressive on
the end of the winch. Memorial day weekend 2004 I was too aggressive. I
folded the wing at the dihedral brace IIRC. I was right over the winch
turnaround when it folded. Another lesson learned. Thinking I was only a few
weeks away from having a 2 meter Gnome RES ship ready to fly, I gave the
peices, minus the radio, to a guy that said he could rebuild it and use it to
teach. I gather many people dislike the straight center panel designs, but I
am looking forward to building my Mirage as I liked flying the Easy Answer.
And the fact I built it with me own two paws made it that much more
enjoyable. BTW: It would be more like 3 months before the Gnome (and
therefore I) flew. :(

So.... my favorite so far is my current 2 meter Gnome. Am I lying when I say
these old build up brick 'poop-houses' of a sailplane can be winched -almost-
like a molded ship? Pedal to the ground? A friend at last weekend's SWSA fun
fly did just that. Just had me throw it and he kept the pedal down for almost
the entire launch. :D Only mod I made was to build the spar like the darkstar
spar is built outside of the plane and drop it in. I used 007 carbon top and
bottom captured in the spar. Almost not worth using, but I did not know that
then. Others build them stock and winch the heck out of them too. It seems to
fly wonderfully, seems to have good legs for a woodie, seems to slow down
nicely for landing, and seems to circle in thermals with almost no bad
habits. LOL! Truely a joy to fly. And the fact that I built it with me own
two paws makes it that much more enjoyable. :D

But the best is yet to come. See I've flown a 3 meter Gnome a few times and a
Paragon. The big Gnome has all the qualities of the 2 meter, plus seems to
fly smoother and thermal as well if not better than the 2 meter. And it
winches like a molded plane. And I have a kit! :D

And I am working on a Gambler+ built up 2 channel DLG.

Speak of to come... (Purchased)
California Sailplanes F-20
Houston Hawk
Mirage short kit
3 meter Gnome
Recent Dynaflite BOT kit
Old CraftAire Winddrifter 99 Kit
Old Marks Models Windfree Kit
Old Marks Models Wanderer 72 kit
Old Gentle Lady Kit
Spirt 100

Too bad we don't really have a 'building season'...
Best wishes,

Jeffrey D. Gortatowsky
La Habra Heights, California 

"Madam, there's no such thing as a tough child -- if you parboil them first for 
seven hours, they always come out tender. " - W.C. Fields
"What wretched scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?" - W.C. Fields
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