Hi Guys,

Yes the gyro was an added factor but many of the flyers had ships that were
designed NOT to require gyros!  The gyros were only necessary for those
planes that required corrections that the pilots and designer's could or did
not handle.  I took over 150 digital shots of most of the tomp 10 and more
planes, took alot of measurements, and how the planes were constructed.
Hope to have a CD ready soon.  Perhaps people will be interested.  There
were many do'd and don'ts that need to be addressed with designs.  No one
mentioned that with the sidearm launches, planes like the Raptor were either
delaminating skins, or tails were being blown apart.  It was not limited to
the Raptor, as MANY OTHERS did the same thing.  This is NOT an attack on the
Raptor!,  Brian has designed an excellent ship!  As with all plane designs
there are many compromised, however Brian has put togtehr a very nice ship.
What was interesting is the comparison of designs.  As for launching, many
might think Paul Anderson was launching high but I believe Phil Barnes with
his Logics was beating most people.

More Soon.  It was a great contest.

Chris Adams

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Griffin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "F3J & F3B List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "RCSG NZ Soaring"
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2001 8:51 PM
Subject: [FAIsoaring] IHLGF

> Hi Guys,
> I have just got back from the IHLGF at Poway San Diego
> Attached are photos of the top ten place winners.  I am sorry I don't know
> all their names, But I can tell Joe won by a NARROW 8 points from Oleg,
> John, George Joy, Paul Anderson, Brian B', sorry I don't recall the next
> then John Erickson was 9th, again I am not sure who was tenth.
> The contest was excellent, the air variable, conditions were cloudy
> yesterday and this morning, clear and about 25 this afternoon.
> About 75 contestants.
> And the latest hot item in the HLG world is..............   Gyro
> stabilisation of rudders, cool.
> Regards
> Dave Griffin
> www.canterburysailplanes.co.nz

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