>>So the question is, what happened to the interest in RC Soaring. ????????

Bottom line: The interest in RC soaring has been replaced by the
instant gratification of the electric park flyer.

Things impeding the interest in Soaring:
1) Need a big field close to home (urban sprawl has eliminated safe
soaring here, I drive 80 miles to fly in peace)
2) Soaring learning curve is higher, takes longer (Electric foamie
learning curve: throttle up, crash; throttle up, crash; throttle up,
crash; throttle up, crash; throttle up, LOOK DUDE I can hover!)
3) Expense: If you develop a real interest in Soaring, the expenses
soon start to add up: Good plane, good TX, good servos = $1500 and up.
Plus you gotta launch it somehow.
4) Intimidation. New guy sees pilots that are soaring $2k worth of
carbon fiber, expresses an interest, and they point him to a 2M balsa
kit. "That's how we all started."

Those who truly love soaring will stick with it. The rest will be
shooting us down with their slo-sticks from their backyards.

And as for all the CL articles in the AMA mag: I have been an RC
observer/participant most of my life and I have never ever seen a CL
model in the air or on the ground. Imagine my surprise when cracking
open the mag and seeing 3 or 4 different varieties of the mysterious

On 3/2/06, Ray Hayes <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> A. Realty is in the numbers.
> B. Model Aviation WAS chuck full of sailplane contest reports, ADVERTISMENT
> from vendors and mfg, but that was yesterday................
> C. So the question is, what happened to the interest in RC Soaring. ????????
> To me, this questions is what should be discussed and hopefully lead to:
> "what can we do to promote RC Soaring".
> Ray Hayes
> http://www.skybench.com
> Home of Wood Crafters
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bill's Email" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Bill Swingle" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: "soaring" < soaring@airage.com>
> Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 11:00 AM
> Subject: Re: [RCSE] Model Aviation Control Line???
> >
> >
> > Bill Swingle wrote:
> > > I am curious. Does control line truly have a big enough following to
> > > justify all the press it does get?
> > >
> > > I'm doubtful.
> >
> > Here's some numbers:
> >
> > 2005 NATS attendance:
> >
> > RC Total = 433
> >
> > Soaring = 151
> >
> > Control Line = 223
> >
> > Free Flight = 348
> >
> > Makes you wonder why the Free Flight guys are not screaming??
> >
> >
> >
> > > Personally I consider it so basic and elementary that it's boring. Why
> > > do people fiddle about with it? Of course I feel the same about glow
> > > power as well. :-)
> >
> > Everyone thinks that the other guy's hobby/interest is lame. You should
> > hear what my power friends say about gliders. What the heli guys say
> > about plankers, what the TD guys say about slopers, and on, and on, and
> > on, and on, and on, and on...............................
> >
> >
> > There was also no heli column or scale aerobatics column this issue. I
> > have not seen them yelling, yet!!!
> >
> >
> >
> >
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