I saw Manfred Radius perform once at an airshow in Hillsboro, Oregon. I was absolutely entranced. His aerobatic displays in the Salto transform flying into performance art. I've seen all the best perform at one time or another, i.e., Sean Tucker, Patty Wagstaff, Bob Hoover, etc. None of their performances are more magical than Radius' and certainly none are quite so beautiful.
-- ClipperBill ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClipperBill's Profile: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/member.php?action=getinfo&userid=9999 View this thread: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=334490 RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News. Send "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please note that subscribe and unsubscribe messages must be sent in text only format with MIME turned off. Email sent from web based email such as Hotmail and AOL are generally NOT in text format