I'm also among the many who regret the passing of RCM. One of my friends used to be a copy editor there, way back when it was just getting started out in San Dimas. It was a great mag, good coverage, good columns and excellent photo and art work at a time when good color copy was a rarity in modeling mags.

However, things change. We get the magazines we pay for and printed media is becoming more expensive all the time. Internet publishing seems to be on the rise. RCSD's existing format is of that nature.

I would encourage those who feel something's missing to contribute articles, how-to's, etc. to RCSD and any other format they would like to support. These publications are for modelers and by modelers. And that means US!

I've written for mags and done newsletters for over 25 years - wrote some 60+ columns and articles for RCSD since 1998. In that time I've found the quickest way to deal with someone who has a storng opinion about what I've written is to comment:

"That's an interesting way to look at it. Why don't you write it up as an article and submit it to XXXX" (fill in the publication name).

Most folks bail out at that point. I've only found two cases where that dialog led to an article or series of articles. Both led to topics that were very worthwhile.

My point is simply that we all have something to contribute and that responsibility doesn't lie exclusively with those who do columns for magazines. If you've got a good idea (and we all do), write it up and submit it. It takes a certain amount of sweat equity to do that but it's the only way ideas circulate. Nats coverage on RCSE, for instance, was way above the call of duty for those guys who did it. Their contribution is an example of folks putting in the effort to keep all of us informed. That type of effort is the best way to keep publishing (internet or otherwise) healthy.

Momma used to say that if you weren't willing to do something about it, you had no right to complain. Publications REALLY need your input and any of the ones I've known would love to have the problem of too much stuff to print.

Sad to see RCM go (and Model Builder before that). We all have a responsibility to share what we've learned, either at the field, in our newsletters and publications, or on the net. Thanks to all the folks at these mags who did so much for all of us. Hopefully a new round of contributors using new publication formats will continue that legacy.

- Dave R.

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