Yes!! It can be a problem, if you wait till it is real late. If you plan on coming you better send in the entry form yourself. I would not count on Sal doing it. He is a good guy, but things can fall through the cracks, Things do change over time.
  Please put Jim Thomas on your entry and his AMA#   I need people to pair up. It take 4 people, 12 hr, 3 pizza's, A Computer main frame, to sort out the pilots and timer's and place them far apart so that they can time for each there.     
 Also list all the channels you can this also helps. I always try to give you your first choice. I had 40 people last year on there 2nd choice. If I get 9 people on one channel and that is all they have, one person won't be flying this year I go by date mailed. I had 12 people put down channel 50 and that was all that was listed. 4 of them didn't fly that year.
  Last year it was tuff filling the 300 spots. September 11th kept many away. We did fill it, and had a few get turned down due to being just too late.
Larry Taylor    KF6JBG
CD for Visalia Fall Soaring Festival 5th and 6th Oct. 2002
New Club Web Site:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 3:10 PM
Subject: Visalia


Not sure if I should be sending this to you or not, But Jim Thomas and I alway buddy up as timer/pilot deal. Jim just sent me a note asking for my AMA number to put down for a timer. The problem may be that Sal at NSP signs me up. He does not sign in till the last minute. Will this cause a problem ?

Mike Fox

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