Following is a large list of items for sale by a Rocky Mountain Soaring
Association member.  He does not have email so I am posting this for him.
Please contact him directly by phone - NOT ME!!!  I hope this table formats
OK on the listserver... Enjoy - Jim

PS - Pardon the Power stuff included... :)

For Sale
Bert Evans
(303) 427-5581 (Days)
(303) 699-7163 (Evenings)

All items + shipping
|  Num  | Description                      | Asking Price       |
|       | Open Class Planes                |                    |
|   1   | Eclipse molded V-Tail            | $850               |
|       | 2- JR 3321 servos on flaps       |                    |
|       | 4- JR 341 servos on ailerons,    |                    |
|       | Rudder and Elevator              |                    |
|   1   | Prism V-Tail 120"                | $600               |
|       | With 4 JR 341 servos and         |                    |
|       | 2 Airtronics 141 servos          |                    |
|   1   | Thermal Eagle                    | $300 no servos     |
|       | With 6 141 servos                | $480 with servos   |
|   1   | Thermal Eagle                    | $480               |
|       | With 6 Becker servos plus one    |                    |
|       | spare servo                      |                    |
|   1   | Thermal Eagle                    | $600 with servos   |
|       | With 2 JR 3321 servos on flaps   |                    |
|       | 2 JR 341 servos on ailerons      |                    |
|       | 1 JR 341 servo on rudder         |                    |
|       | 1 Airtronics 141 on elevator     |                    |
|   1   | Molded Eagle (Steve Lewis)       | $950               |
|       | With 6 Airtronics 141 servos     |                    |
|   1   | Molded Eagle (Steve Lewis)       | $1050              |
|       | With 3-341, 2-3321, and hi-torq  |                    |
|       | Elevator                         |                    |
|   1   | Comet 88 F3B - Cruciform tail    | $400               |
|       | With 4 141 servos and 2          |                    |
|       | Standard Futaba servos           |                    |
|   1   | Spirit - 100"                    | $75 no servos      |
|       | With 4 141 servos and            | $215 with servos   |
|       | 2 standard BB servos             |                    |
|       | 2-Meter Planes                   |                    |
|   1   | 2-Meter Monarch                  | $650               |
|       | with 6 JR 341 servos             |                    |
|   1   | 2-Meter Monarch Kit (some work   | $200               |
|       | done)                            |                    |
|   1   | 2-Meter Lavoe                    | $650               |
|       | with 6 JR 341 servos             |                    |
|   1   | Vulcan 2M                        | $75 no servos      |
|       | With 6 JR 341 servos             | $255 with servos   |
|       | Handlaunch Planes                |                    |
|   1   | Avenger by Mark Allen "A" Tail   | $40                |
|   1   | Monarch 'C' HL Gliders           | $125 each          |
|       | with 2 Airtronics 94141 servos   | $175 each with     |
|       | (retail $50 ea.)                 | servos             |
|   1   | Monarch 'D'                      | $125               |
|       | With 2 HS-50s                    | $175 with servos   |
|   2   | Climax PF HL V-Tail(sage)        | $220               |
|       | With 4 141 servos                |                    |
|   1   | Vertigo HL V-Tail glass fuse     | $50 no servos      |
|       | With 2 JT 501 servos             | $110 with servos   |
|   1   | Climax wood (light)              | $75 no servos      |
|   1   | Maple Leaf Encore NIB 6063       | $300               |
|       | airfoil                          |                    |
|       | With 4 110MAH cells              |                    |
|       | Radios and Accessories           |                    |
|   2   | Thermal Eagle Bag Lady Wing Bags | $100 each          |
|   3   | Airtronics Vision SP each with   | $250 each          |
|       | xmitter module and receiver      |                    |
|   ?   | Hi-Tec Receivers ($70 new)       | $50 each           |
|       | Mostly Airtronics                |                    |
|       | POWER STUFF                      |                    |
|   1   | Roadrunner 160 OS Twin, plus     | $1000              |
|       | Airtronics Vanguard Tx, Rx Like  |                    |
|       | new (100 flights)                |                    |
|   1   | Ultra Sport 1000, Super Tiger    | $600               |
|       | 2500                             |                    |
|       | Tuned Pipe, Fixed Gear, Full     |                    |
|       | Wing, all servos, Like new       |                    |
|   1   | Ultra Hots 82" span, Super Tiger | $650 complete      |
|       | 3000                             |                    |
|       | Airtronics Vanguard Tx, Rx, Good |                    |
|       | condition                        |                    |
|   1   | Train-Air 40, OS 40,             | $350 complete      |
|       | Airtronics Vanguard Tx, Rx       |                    |
|   1   | Scat Cat - Red/White/Blue        | $50                |
|   1   | Scat Cat - Pink?Green .40        | $100               |
|       | Thunder Tiger                    |                    |
|   1   | Larson T-Tail Q500               | $40                |
|   1   | Elan built by Jim Eide           | $850               |
|       | Contest BB servos, Retracts,     |                    |
|       | YS120, like new                  |                    |
|   1   | LA-1, Hand 60, Hand pipe,        | $750               |
|       | retracts, Airtronics Vanguard    |                    |
|       | Tx, Rx and servos, pplus Bag     |                    |
|       | Lady wing bag.  Like new         |                    |
|   1   | Phaeton II Bipe, OS60, 4-stroke  | $480               |
|       | (needs Bearing)                  |                    |
|       | Airtronics Vanguard Tx, Rx and   |                    |
|       | servos                           |                    |
|   1   | Sig Clipped Wing Cub Kit NIB     | $100               |
|   1   | OS 40 Surpass NIB                | $100               |
|   1   | 60 Bingo - Saito 65, Futaba Tx,  | $450               |
|       | Rx, servos                       |                    |
|       | Like new                         |                    |
|   1   | Hirobo Shuttle Upgraded          | $450               |
|       | Pipe, bushed, Airtronics         |                    |
|       | Vanguard Tx, Rx, servos, and     |                    |
|       | Gyro.  Like new - 35 tanks of    |                    |
|       | fuel                             |                    |
|   1   | Zimbro ZLIN NIB 1.20 size        | $125               |
|   1   | Lazy Bee OS 25, 3 servos,        | $195               |
|       | floats, extras, like new         |                    |
|   1   | Typhoon 900, Presheeted wings    | $350               |
|       | and tail                         |                    |
|   1   | 20 Stick                         | $75 without servos |
|       | 4 servos                         | $125 with servos   |
|   2   | Hano .60s                        | $200 each          |
Jim Monaco
Boulder, CO

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