I have been keeping an eye on things in TD and see lots of Artemis moldies
doing well in the moldy group but in the bagged plane group, the new Psycho
Lite is really proving to be the plane that is doing well for the group of  
guys usually in the top ten finishers.

While the Addiction series of planes (since each Addiction is specific to the
orderer there really is only an Addiction fuse and feathers) has done super
too, they are pretty hard to get.

NSP's Psycho Lite is a single consistant model that seems to have that mix of
reliability and performance we all hope for in our new model.  
For instance, In a recent contest in Cincy, I saw them float in light stuff
and come home with moldies in windy way downwind conditions.
The launches were consistant regardless of owner and equal to all the ships
out there.
Landings were runway style and the Psy-lites stayed on track and slowed so
that seldom did I see any spin outs for lost points.  Very much like the
Mantis landings and unlike some of the moldies which had to rely on stick-ins
to avoid twisting away from the line.

In Florida a while back I saw exactly the same performances.  I am not sure
what is different about the Psy-lites and the Spot Dorkers but an interview
with 'Flyin-Brian' Smith (one of the south's best thumbs) he says he's owned
em both and while the Psy-Lite is a little faster in the air, he feels the PL
has easily brought his confidence level way up during those downwind chases
and returns.

Thought you guys would like to know.

What am I currently working on?  A Psy-Antis.  Its a set of Mantis wings and
tail feathers with a Terry Luchanbach fuselage which is similar to the mantis
pod and boom fuse but with a psycho ish nose and cone versus the blob.  Why
the scientist?
Just in the mood to do some building :-)


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