The following post has some serious content, but deteriorates into a
well-meaning rant that is meant in good fun. If this makes you nervous...
delete now.

In my enthusiasm about the new topographic map site "TopoZone" I recently
wrote (and have even more recently began to regret having written) the
following words:

"I doubt you'll be disappointed"

Well... I guess I underestimated the deep resourcefulness of the RCSE when
it comes to the matter of being disappointed.

While there are those that seem to share my appreciation of the staggering
breakthrough in information availability that this site represents, it
appears that there are at least as many who are, for the time being,
impervious to this perspective.

I have received several concerned (and deeply disappointed) letters now
about issues such as the misplacement of a local golf course and the
crushing lack of a remapped version of Mt. StHelens detailing the modified
topography, post-sneeze.

A few notes of clarification:

It may surprise you to find out that I did not draw these maps myself on a
napkin (and thereby cannot be held responsible for golf course or
volcano-related errors), but that they instead are the product of one of the
most exhaustive and accurate mapmaking projects ever undertaken by any
organization, private or public, in the history of the world, namely the

Further, you may be disheartened (perhaps even DISAPPOINTED) to learn, that
in spite of the grandiose nature of said project, there are some mistakes.
That's right... actual errors.

In an even more sobering revelation... brace yourselves now, this one's a
crusher... you may find upon close inspection, that the creators of these so
called 'maps', operating under the humble auspices of the United States
Geological Survey have, in fact, not sent out GPS equipped helicopters to
pinpoint the location on your local slope where just last Saturday you
parted thousands of individual blades of grass in order to relieve yourself
between flights, relaying the critical data wirelessly for an instant update
to the topozone website. Sadly, instead, it will come to light that some of
these maps have not been updated for years. Yes... I did say years. I know
it's hard to bear.... But you can make it.... You're strong.

In spite of all these devastating facts, one redeeming, (perhaps even
encouraging!) tidbit remains:

Never before in the history of the world has this much topographic
information (most of it astonishingly accurate, accurate beyond the scope of
all but the most hyper-funded private and VERY limited mapmaking efforts)
been available to virtually anyone, basically free from cost! It is a
treasure not to be diminished by its faults!

Don't be disappointed, dammit! Appreciate it!

A wise one once said that "attempting to force appreciation upon those
disinclined or ill-equipped to appreciate is the career of a fool".... but I
had to try :)

Scobie in Seattle.

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