> Is there a reason why "limiting stress release clutch/linkage" is not popular
> with servo or coupling system?

Such a device is used on the steering linkage every RC car that I have
ever seen.  It protects the steering servo when the car bangs into the
curb, or whatever.

I recently gave one of these clutches to my friend to try on his Wild
Skies Fox on the rudder.  The rudder is so heavy that a slightly rough
landing will either strip the servo or break it from the mount.  I'm
sure that the car steering clutch would work if used.

For a plane, one way to protect the servos is to mass balance all of the
control surfaces.  This will ensure that dynamic loads on the control
surfaces from hard landings is minimized.  It still does nothing for the
loads on the servo when the control surface hits the ground, or hits a
rock, or whatever.

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