Fred Weaver is the Man.... 

Without him doing most of my calling and timing I probably would of finished in 
the middle of the pack... I think I drove him a little Crazy though :-)))

Things Fred told me this weekend... 

"You fly funny" " No your other left" Dam I've never seen someone fly through 
so many thermals" "Circle dam it" "You piece of......"  :-)))))

Fred had bad luck in the landing triangle, The first part of the triangle was 
minus 10 points and poor Fred hit it 4 times.... Fred's one of those natural 
born fliers... He hadn't flown since Thanksgiving and he shows up and comes in 
9th.. And if he hadn't had the minus 40 landing points he would of been 4th... 
Not to shabby Fred...:-)

And thanks once again :-)

Now if he would only sell those silly full size airplanes and concentrate  on 
soaring... :-) hehe


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