For those of you who attended the IHLGF two years ago, you will be happy to know that Buzz Tokunaga, "The Tokyo Terror", will be attending this years IHLGF. Buzz, who is the National HLG Champion of Japan and is considered to be the Joe Wurts of Japan, e-mailed me yesterday to tell me that he will definitely will be attending. In his own words, "I can't wait to get there and see everybody there!"
If you would like to send a welcome note to Buzz, his e-mail address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
April 1st is right upon us. It's going to be a full house of 90 again this year so be sure and get your entry forms in on April 1st or as close after that as possible to reserve a spot at this year's "Poway Happening."
Ron Scharck
Registrar -- IHLGF 2000
San Diego, CA
PLEASE NOTE new e-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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