I'm bumming cuz this week the RC Soaring gods discountinued the product Sun.
While I worked every day transmitting music from EMI up to the heavens its still raining here in Louisville.

Howver I must have gotten the atttention of the god of battery chargers, cuz my Infinity 1 got damaged when I let its supply battery run down,which apparently confused some chip. 

The number on it was still Aveox (no not the music company or that evil licensing company either:-)  But when I called to see about sending in for some fixin, a really nice lady explained that they hadn't been the Robbe outlet for over a year.
I wanted to go nuts on her about how they are letting customers down and maybe even start a way off topic thread about them on the RCSE, but she continued before I could get to the key board. "We have a few refurbished Infinities left and could do an exchange for $45 plus shipping...(which got it to me for $65 2nd day by the way).
It took me a second to run thru how I might fit some comment about the recent Pres election or how us Americans are all theives but came up with a meek and whispered 'Any chance you could exchange my Infinity 1 for a new model 2?"
There was a killer pause which actually gave me time to lament losing access to micro electric P-38's forever, but I held my breath in anticipation, finally she said,"Yep, got one left, and if can get your's here quick, we'll get it on the road!"
OFF I went, screaming down the subdivision roads, kids diving, school buses with flashing red lights and flags out honking, but I got to the post office just in time to next day my dead hulk of an charger on its way to its new home, so that the captive #2 could be free'd!
It came today and I already have it working its variable and automatic magic in the basement work shop.  Every once in a while I hear it call to me...beep beep beep.
Damn I forgot about what that rant was about I was gonna jump in on to displace some more fun rc soaring stuff....

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