While building a pair of Genie LT/S's the last couple of months, I learned yet more new things to incorporate in the Genie pages found at http://genie.rchomepage.com/.

It takes a while for all the pics to download so you can scroll through, especially with the long Files 1 and 3.

File 1, page 8 shows a very simple tool (tapered block) that is so handy to align former F2 accurately to the rearward tapering slab sides. Pg 10 has a pic showing how round toothpicks can be used to align the interior and exterior tow hook blocking parts. Pg. 14 has a drawing of a slick way to stabilize a glass shell canopy to the fuselage. Goop is the adhesive to use to secure the wood parts to the canopy. Pg. 14 goes into alternatives for priming and filling scratches in a glassed-over fuselage.

File 2, page 10 details a new way to quickly and easily make a bunch of "Z" hinges directly from a roll of 1-1/2" or 2" clear book tape. (#845 Scotch 3M at Staples)

File 3, the wing file, is materially reorganized with revised and new text, plus new pics. There is new material on "hot-rodding" tunnels in foam cores for long leads for aileron servos, on wrapped spar assembly, on cloth cutting and sizing. Pages from 25 through 39 detailing Mark Drela's servo mounting and RDS installation in skinned hinge surfaces are reorganized and have new pics detailing pocket installation and hinging with silicone.

File 9 on skin hinging is revised and with new pics to more easily see what to do.

The Fine Finishing file has new pics and revised text detailing the use of the Icing putty for LE finishing for painting and also trim painting techniques.

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