I guess there is only so far you can move the CG back - I had mounted my old Sony dig cam, video xmtr, and a battery pack on the wing of my e-Stratos. FLown it several days before, and had a problem with the brushless - seems to have demagnetized, but I can't figure out why - it'd flown many times before just fine. SO I replaced the motor, apparently with a somewhat lighter one. I also added another cell to the xmtr bat pack, which also moved the CG back a tiny bit. All together enuf to make it totally unstable. SOme nifty video of the wing upside down just after launch. Landed on the right wing panel in some weeds - everything else is just fine, but the wing panels pretty crunched. Must remember to check CG - even when it seems like a minor change.

Tom Rust
Nanochip Inc
(510) 339-6263
(510) 339-9636 FAX
(510) 912-4662 cell

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