Last Thursday through tomorrow, Sunday, May 30th Woodcrafters 2004 is taking place.  Make that taking place when the capricious Indiana Spring weather cooperates.  Thursday afternoon, Muncie was treated to no less than 12 thunderstorms that dropped 3+ inches of rain turning some portions of the AMA flying site into ponds.  However, when the weather was nice, large numbers of wooden sailplanes could be observed in the air over the site. 
    This year, there was a nice turnout of scale jobs including Ken Bates' model of a one-off flying wing sailplane.  The real sailplane must have been like putting on a winged pair of pants.  Ken flew both off the winch and aerotow and even thermalled the stubby little wing.  It was a sight to warm the hearts of Zagi owners. Also present were a couple of really small scale planes with 60" spans demonstrating that one doesn't need a 4 meter or more span to produce a nice scale sailplane.  These little beauties would probably tow up nice behind an a good speed 400 electric.
    Wind made flying the "woodies" challenging on Thursday and there definitely was no calm before the storm Thursday afternoon.  Friday saw a marginal improvement and attendees were torn between an event on short histarts for 100" span planes or flying from a winch for the ladder or longest flight of the day.  There was an all Windfree competition where it was once again demonstrated that he Windfree flies well if one has delicate thumbs.  The sight of Oly II's, Windfrees, Saggittas, BOT's ( and Ray's "Big Birds") reminded one that there was indeed quality R/C soaring (if not landing) before the days of the 'cookie-cutter" moldies.
    Let's hope Ray and Gordon will do it again next year and that Indiana weather is kinder.
        Jim Deck

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