At 10:37 AM 12/2/99 -0500, R.A.Fick wrote:
>Hello All
>As I am new to the soaring list I have a few questions.
>Is there an archive where a search can be done, to avoid asking for info
>already available, Is there anyone in the Ft. Wayne area on the list, and
>although I have been out of soaring for quite a few years, I have built a
>number of 2 meter, standard class and unlimited gliders in the past.

The Ft. Wayne area has a number of soaring enthusiasts in the LOFT club, 
really nice guys.  Two guys off the top of my head to get in touch with is 
Marc Gellart or Mike Remus.

"Marc Gellart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or "Mike Remus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>At present I am looking to purchase a radio, 5 to 7 channel, with mixing for
>v tail etc. considering JR,Hi Tech,Futaba. If you were buying a radio today
>which would it be..?

Today...  JR 8103  great price / performance ratio.

Future...  waiting to see what the Multiplex gear will look when we can 
actually buy them in the USA.

Downers Grove, IL
ICQ 6997780
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