Hi, I posted some weeks ago a message about using an helium balloon as an alternative launch method, I received some interesting feed-back. I've looked around and can say that it is technically feasible (it takes about about a cubic meter of helium to lift 300-500g) but expensive. Here in Switzerland it would cost me about 50$ per launch, no thanks.
Then I saw a post about asking someone to carry and launch your plane from a hot air ballons (big ones). There might be an easier way out. Type "solar balloon" in your favorite search engines and you'll find plenty of pages on the topic. Some are very easy to build, just scotch some black plastic garbage bags together and the sun will do the rest on a sunny and windless day. To lift 300g you need about a balloon of 3 or 4m in diameter. I saw a nice plane here weighing just under 200g. Apparently you can lift a few 100meters high without problems. Wind is no good though, not a problem here where I live. I think I'll give it a try. Critics are welcomed. A good link on solar balloon with pictures and DIY projects: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/ballonsolaire/en-corps.htm Hugues Laliberté RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News. Send "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]