We just had a "one-design" contest with 4 identically outfitted, donated Aspires and JR radio systems this past weekend.  Most of the poor 3M moldie guys didn't know what to do with a handful of wood and covering.
Sure makes for an interesting contest when EVERYONE flies the same plane/radio system with NO landing control!  The guy that won ALWAYS flys a 2M Sagitta in our club contests!
It was an interesting format!
Garland Hanson
Central Arizona Soaring League
----- Original Message -----
From: sid clark
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 2:18 PM
Subject: [RCSE] one design

Has anyone considered "one design"  contests? Use a moderately priced, readily available,decent flyer as the one design.It wouldn't matter how it got launched.With everyone flying equal planes with equal setups, would this not put the outcome truly in the hands of the pilot? You could even have devisions, such as, beginner,intermediate and expert.Maybe each division would have it's own plane,each one a little more sophisticated then the next.You could add a fourth class.Call it the open class, no holds barred, money is no object kind of thing.Would this not bring in the masses, giving everyone a chance to bring home the bacon,from the poor beginner to the dedicated expert?
    This type of system has been used in the sailing world with great success.Look at the thousands of Hobie Cats, Sun Fish and Lasers that have been sold.I believe it's because it makes everyone just as competitive as the next guy.And this is a great selling point.Everyone wants to think they're a winner or at least have a fighting chance.Now if you showed up with a Hobie Cat and you had to compete with an America's Cup boat what would be the point?
     Please don't get me wrong, I believe the mega-dollar ships and their excellent pilots are very important to the hobby too.I'm in no way putting them down.We need their cutting edge technologies to filter down.We need role models and wish lists.
     Enough of this rambling, maybe this approach would be attractive to more newbies.Whata ya think?....Sid

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