This might get a little long.

Robin Lehman and I went to Germany in 1998 to attend but not compete in the DMFV Akrocup. Pretty much we were awed by what was going on there, 40% scale acro sailplanes competing in a very well organized format which gave little ground to what IMACC was doing in the US with power scale aerobatics. The judging, the rules were/are very well defined and organized. Pilots ranged in age from 12-40+ The 12 year old boy competed with a very small Fox and was cheered and encouraged by the adult competitors. It was an eye opener to what large scale aerobatic sailplanes were capable of. I shot video of the whole event including several routines. When we got home I produced a video in combination with our Elmira aerotow and called it Ultimate scale Soaring. The video is long out of circulation, but we were convinced that this would be the next great sailplane event in the U.S....


It wasn't. Several attempts were made to organize similar events in the U.S on a national level, not just a few folks looping and rolling at a LOCAL VENUE.

Robin tried in vein to organize informal events at several established aerotow events. There was little interest, and that in combination with the huge distances separating the few pilots capable of even completing a routine with a sailplane, made it difficult.

Pete Goldsmith got involved with scale soaring along the way, met Robin at one of these events and was excited about it. He felt the TOC crowd would be a perfect audience for new blood, and certainly these pilots had the skills to not only complete the routines but excel.




Endless Mountain Models



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