I set up a friend's Jade with a Futaba 8 and did the trimming and set up for him.  The Jade is a very well mannered plane, especially for a full-house ship.  It doesn't have the speed range of the latest contest ships, but will hold its own in a contest.  I was amazed at its ability to float.  It it very stable due to washout and the dihedral at the tip.  If you want a contest ship, the Sapphire, Victory, or Bird of Prey would all serve the first time full-house pilot well.  If you want an awesome fun ship, the Jade shouldn't let you down.
Wiggle your sticks
David Judson
Riverside, CA
----- Original Message -----
From: A. B. Lyles
Sent: 4/25/01 9:23:39 AM
Subject: [RCSE] Whyte wings Jade

I am looking for info on the Jade sailplane made by Whyte Wings. This will
be my first fullhouse sailplane.  I have flown oly88, windfree, etc and
fullhouse power(trainer)for many years.  I am also looking at the Sapphire.
Any info would be greatly appreciated.  My first radio was a Kraft 72 If
that tells you anything.  Looking forward to hearing from you guys.
A.B.   (Texas Panhandle)
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--- David Judson
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