Well I have two things to report: 1st) I found out that if you take the case off of the Multiplex 7channel IPD rx it is the same weight (actually a gram or two less) than a caseless 555. (I had just replaced the antenna on both of them with some 33gauge wire of equal length.) 2nd) After receiving all the emails, I came home and made up a 3 cell pack of 50mahs and 110mah Nicads (Didn't get a chance to run over to Mr.Nicad and get some NiMHs)... after replacing the antenna wire on my rxs and building the packs, I stuck the 50mah pack in w/ the rx, put the "hood" back on and screwed on the wings... tested CG and it was with in 2mm of the suggest value (I just need to slide the battery forward a little... still have an inch in front of it)... set in on the digital scale and... 7.4oz! WooHoo!!! Now I just can't wait for some of this stupid snow to melt so that I can get out in the field and give it a throw (I tried walking in a field this weekend and realized that the snow is a lot deeper than it looks...I turned around after about three steps)... Thanks for everyone's help, Daniel RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News. Send "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]