Right on!  I do have a question though.  But first let me say I realize that
the popular categorization of U.S. of A. citizens is 'american'.  But why?
The last time I looked at a map, Canada took up about 1/2 of North America.
Then there is Mexico, Central America countries and the South America
countries.  Are we not ALL 'americans'?  Always been puzzled by this.  Regis

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Till [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2000 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [RCSE] AMA, Nats; Solutions?

I've been watching this thread with growing disinterest over the last few
days, and all I can say is that I'm glad there are as many idiots in America
as there are here in Canada; it wouldn't be fair if we got the lion's share,
now would it?

Here in Canada we have MAAC, which is very much the the Canadian version of
the AMA. For years I thought, in good company, that MAAC was created simply
to suck up enough money each year so that I had one less sailplane in the
air, that club executives were only composed of people who got a kick out of
making up rules, and that CD's were out to ensure that everyone had as
little fun at contests as possible. Now, I never vocalized these feelings
(as some on this list seem to have little trouble doing), but I had them

After serving a few years on the executive's of a few clubs, however, I
began to see the immense amounts of effort that go into governing the
actions of modelers in this day and age. Although people are always able to
point out things that are wrong, few ever have anything constructive to add
once the bitching is done.

At the heart of any organisation there is always a small group of people who
are willing to drag the winches out every weekend, whether they want to or
not, or who are willing to hunt down a corporate sponsor so guys can have a
barbeque after a major contest. How many people do you know that suddenly
"have plans" on field clean-up day?

People are quick to forget that almost everyone, from club president to MAAC
zone rep to joe-average flyer, is in this hobby AS A HOBBY. People VOLUNTEER
to put up websites and CD contests last time I checked. This was supposed to
be RELAXING and ENJOYABLE, so maybe things don't turn out perfectly every
time. Welcome to real life.

So, I put forth this suggestion to our interpid exchange. As criticizm and
conflict are for the most part constructive, feel free to post your woes and
concerns for all to see. But earn that right by posting solutions as well,
not just insults and rants; that doesn't do anyone any good. Serve a year on
your club executive, help to organize a nationwide fun-fly, and then I'll
listen with more interest when you start bitching again ;)

Oh, from what I've heard, I'm a "yea" too.


>Let me add another vote to the "Yea" side.  I appreciate that you shared
>these photos with us.
>To the nay-sayers, I say stuff it, and unless you can do better, shut up.

I have received over 10 personal
>emails now telling me that my pictures or my web page suck, that photos
>don't have the right stuff in them, don't have the right lighting, are the
>wrong DPI, are the wrong size (either too small or too big), they weren't
>up quick enough, too slow to load, what ever...

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