On Sat, March 5, 2011 01:27, David Burgess wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 9:01 PM, Nenhum_de_Nos <math...@eternamente.info>
> wrote:
>> I got it to boot up to the root disk mounting point. then, no good :(
> I seem to recall struggling with this. Try changing your bios settings
> one at a time. I think FLASH, BootPartition and maybe PCIROMS in
> particular gave me grief in this regard.
> http://wiki.soekris.info/What_do_all_those_BIOS_settings_do%3F
> db

thanks david.

that did it !!

for the record, to use this Hitachi 6GB microdrive I needed to update
soekris bios to 1.33c and to set BootPartition to 1.

FreeBSD/i386 (pfSense.localdomain) (console)

*** Welcome to pfSense 2.0-RC1-nanobsd (i386) on pfSense ***

  WAN (wan)                 -> vr1        -> NONE (DHCP)
  LAN (lan)                 -> vr0        ->

 0) Logout (SSH only)                  8) Shell
 1) Assign Interfaces                  9) pfTop
 2) Set interface(s) IP address       10) Filter Logs
 3) Reset webConfigurator password    11) Restart webConfigurator
 4) Reset to factory defaults         12) pfSense Developer Shell
 5) Reboot system                     13) Upgrade from console
 6) Halt system                       14) Enable Secure Shell (sshd)
 7) Ping host

Enter an option:

[2.0-RC1][root@pfSense.localdomain]/root(1): uname -a
FreeBSD pfSense.localdomain 8.1-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE-p2 #0: Fri
Mar  4 14:40:38 EST 2011    

now to configuring ! :)

thanks !!!


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