> If you want to iterate through each header field in the message, you
> should start from msg_chain_head(msg) and then proceed in order, e.g.,
> for (next = msg_chain_head(msg); *next; next = &(*next)->sh_next) {
>   sip_header_t *sh = (*next);
>   msg_hclass_t const *hc = sh->sh_class;
>   if (sip_is_via(sh) {
>     sip_via_t const*via = (sip_via_t *)sh;
>     ....
>   }
>   ...
> }
> The list of all the message components ("chain") also includes some
> non-header elements, like request-line, status-line and message body.
> There is also some complications with so called "list" headers like
> Require, their values are combined with their first occurrence, so
> headers like
> Require: 100rel
> Supported: timer
> Require: xyzzy
> will have one sip_require_t structure with tokens "100rel" and
> "xyzzy", one sip_supported_t structure with "timer" and a dummy
> sip_require_t structure in the chain.

I'm reopening this old thread to ask you a related question.
I am using nua interface and I would like to extract headers inside my
nua_callback_f function. Problem is that there is only sip_t as a
parameter and not msg_t.
Is there any way to get it using nua interface?


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