RE: Why is Material::operator& private?

2012-05-10 Thread Bosheng An
st CRef& rhs) const { return lhs != rhs && ProjectItem(lhs).GetObjectID() < ProjectItem(rhs).GetObjectID(); } } -Nicolas On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 9:38 PM, Bosheng An>> wrote: Hi Nicholas, My name is Bosheng and I am a developer from Softimage.

RE: Why is Material::operator& private?

2012-05-07 Thread Bosheng An
Hi Nicholas, My name is Bosheng and I am a developer from Softimage. Thank you for your statement here and your mention is true, but I think we designed these comparison logic purposely. We just defined our CRef ">" and "<" that way. I guess what you would like to do is twisting the predicate