JJ: Fantastic - this is excellent info, and sharing it helps a LOT!
On Dec 27, 2006, at 7:25 PM, Apache Wiki wrote:
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The following page has been changed by JJLarrea:
The comment on the change is:
Added page per 12/8/06 suggestion by Yonik
New page:
= Faceting Overview =
Solr provides a [http://incubator.apache.org/solr/docs/api/org/
apache/solr/request/SimpleFacets.html Simple Faceting toolkit]
which can be reused by various Request Handlers to include "Facet
counts" of based on some simple criteria. Both the
StandardRequestHandler and the DisMaxRequestHandler currently use
these utilities. Detailed descriptions of the parameters used to
control faceting can be found (along with several examples) at
This page briefly provides some general background information:
= Facet Indexing =
Faceting is done on __indexed__ rather than __stored__ values.
This is because the primary use for faceting is drilldown into a
subset of hits resulting from a query, and so the chosen facet
value is used to construct a filter query which literally matches
that value in the index. For the stock Solr request handlers this
is done by adding an `fq=<facet-field>:<quoted facet-value>`
parameter and resubmitting the query.
Because faceting fields are often specified to serve two purposes,
human-readable text and drill-down query value, they are frequently
indexed differently from fields used for searching and sorting:
* They are not tokenized into separate words
* They are not mapped into lower case
* Human-readable punctuation is not removed (other than double-
* There is often no need to store them, since stored values would
look much like indexed values and the faceting mechanism is used
for value retrieval.
* Depending on how the field is defined the SimpleFacets
mechanism may only allow for a single value per field per document
(see below)
As an example, if I had a field with a list of authors, such as:
Schildt, Herbert; Wolpert, Lewis; Davies, P.
I might want to index the same data differently in three different
fields (perhaps using the Solr [:SchemaXml#Copy Fields:copyField]
* For searching: Tokenized, case-folded, punctuation-stripped:
schildt / herbert / wolpert / lewis / davies / p
* For sorting: Untokenized, case-folded, punctuation-stripped:
schildt herbert wolpert lewis davies p
* For faceting: Primary author only, using a `solr.StringField`:
Schildt, Herbert
Then when the user drills down on the "Schildt, Herbert" string I
would reissue the query with an added fq="Schild, Herbert" parameter.
= Facet Operation =
Currently SimpleFacets has 3 modes of operation:
== FacetQueries ==
Any number of [:SimpleFacetParameters#facet.query:facet.query]
parameters can be passed to the request handler. Each distinct
facet.query will first be executed against the entire index, with
the results cached as a hashed set (if fewer than hashDocSet) or a
bit set (if greater) of document IDs (see [:SolrCaching#The
hashDocSet Max Size:hashDocSet]). Then every time that facet.query
is used for faceting a query, the cached set will be intersected
against the set of document ids returned by the query to count the
number of documents for which the facet.query condition is true.
== FacetFields ==
Any number of [:SimpleFacetParameters#facet.field:facet.field]
parameters can be passed to the request handler. For each
facet.field, one of two approaches will be used:
* Field Queries: If the facet field is defined in the schema
as multi-valued, boolean, or tokenized, then every indexed value
for the field will be iterated and a facet query will be executed
and cached (as described above). This is excellent for fields
where there is a small set of distinct values. For example,
faceting on a field with U.S. States eg. `Alabama, Alaska, ...
Wyoming` would lead to fifty cached queries which would be used
over and over again. It also works in the case when the facet
field can have multiple values for each document. However, it
requires excessive amounts of memory and time when the number of
field values is large and especially when it exceeds the filter
cache size defined in [:SolrCaching#filterCache:filterCache]
* Field Cache: If the facet field is not tokenized, not multi-
valued, and not boolean, then a field-cache approach will be used.
This is currently implemented with the Lucene [http://
FieldCache.html FieldCache] mechanism used for results sorting. An
array of integers (one for every document in the index) is
allocated, pre-filled with the first indexed value for that field
in each document (offset into a table of strings for fields indexed
as strings), and cached. Every time that facet.field is used for
faceting a query, all the document IDs resulting from the query are
looked up in the field cache and any value found has its tally
incremented. This is excellent for situations where the number of
indexed values for the field is too large to be practical using the
field queries mechanism, such as faceting against authors or
titles. However it is currently much slower and more memory-
intensive than the field query
mechanism for fields with a small number of values.
Note at this time there is no way to manually control whether
facet.field is handled via field queries or field cache other than
defining in the schema whether the field is single- or multi-valued
and the analyzer used: `solr.TextField` is always tokenized while
`solr.StrField` is never. Control may be improved in the future,
along with a means to handle multi-valued fields with a variant of
the Field Cache mechanism.