RE: (Issue) How improve solr facet performance

2014-05-24 Thread Toke Eskildsen
Alice.H.Yang (mis.cnsh04.Newegg) 41493 [] wrote: 1. I'm sorry, I have made a mistake, the total number of documents is 32 Million, not 320 Million. 2. The system memory is large for solr index, OS total has 256G, I set the solr tomcat HEAPSIZE=-Xms25G -Xmx100G 100G

special TItle Sorting etc

2014-05-24 Thread HL
I am trying to sort by title field asc or desc in a manner that is influenced by the stopwords list of a language, for Instance I would like the title The Book, and A Wallet when sorted appear as title - The Book A Wallet but while I only managed to get my head smashed on the solr

Re: special TItle Sorting etc

2014-05-24 Thread Steve Rowe
Hi Harry, You should be using solr.StrField, or KeywordTokenizer with solr.TextField - otherwise you’ll get multiple tokens, and for sorting, you want just one. Here’s one way to get what you want: copyfield your title to a sortable field with a fieldtype something like (untested): fieldType

Wordbreak spellchecker excessive breaking.

2014-05-24 Thread S.L
I am using Solr wordbreak spellchecker and the issue is that when I search for a term like mob ile expecting that the wordbreak spellchecker would actually resutn a suggestion for mobile it breaks the search term into letters like m o b I have two issues with this behavior. 1. How can I make

答复: Internals about Too many values for UnInvertedField faceting on field xxx

2014-05-24 Thread 张月祥
Thanks for your reply. I'll try it. We're still interested in the real limitation about Too many values for UnInvertedField faceting on field xxx . Could anybody tell us some internals about Too many values for UnInvertedField faceting on field xxx ? -邮件原件- 发件人: Toke Eskildsen

Re: pdfs

2014-05-24 Thread Brian McDowell
Our feeding (indexing) tool halts because Solr becomes unresponsive after getting some really bad pdfs. There are levels of pdf badness. Some just will not parse and that's fine, but others are more problematic in that our Operations team has to restart Solr because it just hangs and accepts no