Hi Constantijn,

I'm not too sure about the JMX monitoring side of things but having looked
at the Solr's MultiCore <http://wiki.apache.org/solr/CoreAdmin>
feature it seems really simple to create multiple solr cores that could all
be configured to point
to one MBean server.

When creating a core you can specify name like solr1, solr2:

This is made possible due to the fact that each core can have it's own
See example/multicore/ in your solr distribution.

Hope this helps.

Charl Mert

On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 12:10 PM, Constantijn Visinescu

> Hi,
> I'm having a problem trying to get multiple solr applications to run in the
> same servlet container because they all try to claim "solr" as a
> name/category to put their mbeans under and that causes exceptions/crashes
> for all the applications after the first.
> I've read http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrJmx and it shows configuration
> options to define a JMX server agentID or to provide your own JMX url but i
> don't want either. (i think)
> I just want my webapps to show as "solr1", "solr2" and "solr3" when
> monitoring them rather then all of them trying to race for "solr" and
> having
> all of them after the first crash.
> Right now I've disabled JMX and that works to get my apps started at least,
> but it's not what i want either.
> Anyone know how to configure solr to do this?
> If a configuration option like <jmx name="solr1" /> exists that'd fix my
> problem but i can't seem to find it in the documentation.
> Thanks in advance,
> Constantijn Visinescu

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