Fuzzy search 'sometimes' not working

2018-07-31 Thread David Frese
Any bug in that direction fixed since 5.5.0? Thanks a lot for any ideas, David -- David Frese +49 7071 70896 75 Active Group GmbH Hechinger Str. 12/1, 72072 Tübingen Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 224404 Geschäftsführer: Dr. Michael Sperber

Re: CursorMarks and 'end of results'

2018-07-02 Thread David Frese
5.5 that is, btw. (*) If it could be faster then 5 seconds is a different issue. But the query is quite complex with a lot of AND/OR and BlockJoins too, and I have no idea if memory is large enough to hold the indices and things like that. Not really optimized yet. David. -- David Frese +49 70

Re: CursorMarks and 'end of results'

2018-06-29 Thread David Frese
ng, patches/PRs certainly welcome. It's hard to have a good perspective on what docs are helpful to new users whne you have been working with the software for 14 years and wrote the code in question. Thank you very much for the clarification. It basically cuts down the search time in half

CursorMarks and 'end of results'

2018-06-18 Thread David Frese
(num rows). There won't be new documents added during the search in my use case, so could there every be a non-empty 'page' after a non-full 'page'? Thanks very much. -- David Frese +49 7071 70896 75 Active Group GmbH Hechinger Str. 12/1, 72072 Tübingen Registergericht

Re: Query parser problem, using fuzzy search

2018-02-01 Thread David Frese
Am 31.01.18 um 16:30 schrieb David Frese: Am 29.01.18 um 18:05 schrieb Erick Erickson: Try searching with lowercase the word and. Somehow you have to allow the parser to distinguish the two. Oh yeah, the biggest unsolved problem in the ~80 years history of programming languages... NOT

Re: Query parser problem, using fuzzy search

2018-01-31 Thread David Frese
And if both appear? Well, thanks for your ideas - of course you are not the one to blame. On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 8:32 AM, David Frese wrote: Hello everybody, how can I formulate a fuzzy query that works for an arbitrary string, resp. is there a formal syntax definition somewhere? I alrea

Query parser problem, using fuzzy search

2018-01-29 Thread David Frese
xError: Cannot parse 'field:AND~2': Encountered \" \"AND \"\" at line 1, column 4.\nWas expecting one of:\n ...\n\"(\" ...\n\"*\" ...\n ...\n ...\n ...\n ...\n ...\n\"[\" ...\n\"{\" ...\n ...\

Re: Combining complex joins with other criteria

2017-11-23 Thread David Frese
ty:"London" AND id:"a1") works fine. Is there any documentation about this? Or an open issue? -- David Frese +49 7071 70896 75 Active Group GmbH Hechinger Str. 12/1, 72072 Tübingen Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 224404 Geschäftsführer: Dr. Michael Sperber

Combining complex joins with other criteria

2017-11-23 Thread David Frese
!join from=pid to=id}(city:"London" AND id:"a1")) (name:"Mike") AND ({!join from=pid to=id}(city:"London" AND id:"a1")) (name:"Mike" AND {!join from=pid to=id}(city:"London" AND id:"a1")) Some other variants do parse, but are somehow misunderstood and do not yield any results, like: name:"Mike" AND ({!join from=pid to=id}city:"London" AND id:"a1") Thanks for any help! -- David Frese