I am trying to build an edismax search handler that will allow a fuzzy search, 
using the "query fields" property (qf).

I have two instances of SOLR 4.8.1, one of which has edismax "qf" configured 
with no fuzzy search
<str name="qf">ns_name^3.0  i_topic^3.0  i_object_type^3.0<str>

And the other with a fuzzy search for ns_name (non-stemmed name)
<str name="qf">ns_name~1^3.0  i_topic^3.0  i_object_type^3.0<str>


The index of both includes a record with an ns_name of 'Johnson'

I get no return in either instance with the query

I get the Johnson record returned in both instances with a query of

The SOLR documentation seems silent on incorporating fuzzy searches in the 
query fields.  I have seen various posts on Google that suggest that 'qf' will 
accept fuzzy search declarations, other posts suggest only the query itself 
will allow fuzzy searches (as seems to be the case for me).

Any guidance will be much appreciated


Jim Felley
Smithsonian Institution

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