CheckIndex failed for Solr 4.7.2 index

2015-06-09 Thread Guy Moshkowich
We are using Solr 4.7.2 and we found that when we run CheckIndex.checkIndex on one of the Solr shards we are getting the error below. Both replicas of the shard had the same error. The shard index looked healthy: 1) It appeared active in the Solr admin page. 2) We could run searches against it.

Solr 4.7.2 not recovering - ClusterState says we are the leader, but locally we don't think so

2015-03-19 Thread Guy Moshkowich
Hi, one morning my Solr server broke with this message below, it didn't recover on its own - had to restart it - Is that a 4.7.2 known issue? My topology is very simple: single Solr with a single shard replica, and an embedded ZK (-zkrun). Could it be related to a 4.8 fix: SOLR-5799: When

Solr personalize document deletion.

2014-09-12 Thread Guy Moshkowich
I'm working on a production system that is indexing user's interaction events as documents in Solr index. Each documents looks similar to: {user_id, event_data, update_time} The index size increase monotonously over time and so documents need to be deleted from the index in fixed intervals. A

Solr personalize document deletion.

2014-09-12 Thread Guy Moshkowich
I'm working on a production system that is indexing user's interaction events as documents in Solr index. Each documents looks similar to: {user_id, event_data, update_time} The index size increase monotonously over time and so documents need to be deleted from the index in fixed intervals. A