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On Friday, June 1, 2018, 11:11:06 AM CDT, wrote:
I know this is a very old version and we are working to upgrade this to SOLR
5.5. In the meantime, We also know how to do the replication by copying indexed
data from the file system. Currently on prod a particular shard
(shard1/replica1) has a directory called “/core_node_97”. When we move data
I was recently told that ideally the number of shards in a SOLR cluster should
be equal to a power of 2. If this is indeed a best practice, then what is the
rationale behind this recommendation? ThanksImad
12:02 PM, Mike Thomsen wrote:
> I've only ever used the HDFS support with Cloudera's build, but my experience
> turned me off to use HDFS. I'd much rather use the native file system over
>> On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 10:19 AM, Muhammad Imad Qur
We have a 30 node Hadoop cluster and each data node has a SOLR instance also
running. Data is stored in HDFS. We are adding 10 nodes to the cluster. After
adding nodes, we'll run HDFS balancer and also create SOLR replicas on new
nodes. This will affect data locality. does this impact how solr w
We have a 30 node Hadoop cluster and each data node has a SOLR instance also
running. We are adding 10 nodes. After adding nodes, we'll run HDFS balancer.
This will affect data locality. does this impact how solr works (I mean
performance)? ThanksImad