Moving index from stand-alone Solr 6.6.0 to 3 node Solr Cloud 6.6.0 with Zookeeper

2019-04-08 Thread Kevin Cunningham
Hi all, I'm sure I've done this before but this seems to be falling down a bit and I was wondering if anyone had any helpful ideas. I have a large index (51GB) that exists in a 4 node Solr Cloud instance. The reprocessing for this takes a long time and so we normally reindex on a secondary

No longer allowed to store html in a 'string' type

2013-09-30 Thread Kevin Cunningham
We have been using Solr for a while now, went from 1.4 - 3.6. While running some tests in 4.4 we are no longer allowed to store raw html in a documents field with a type of 'string', which we used to be able to do. Has something changed here? Now we get the following error: Undeclared general

Negative filter using the appends element

2010-10-19 Thread Kevin Cunningham
I'm using Solr 1.4 with the standard request handler and attempting to apply a negative fq for all requests via the appends elements but its not being applied. Is this an intended limitation? I looked in JIRA for an existing issue but nothing jumped out. Works fine: lst name=appends

Setting solr home directory in websphere

2010-10-18 Thread Kevin Cunningham
I've installed Solr a hundred times using Tomcat (on Windows) but now need to get it going with WebSphere (on Windows). For whatever reason this seems to be black magic :) I've installed the war file but have no idea how to set Solr home to let WebSphere know where the index and config files